Denton Rose 101 Intro to a stud muffin

June 19, 2007

Denton Rose 101 Intro to a stud muffin

OK, this clip is to just say here I am and get things started. Fruit and dance coming! Can “anyone” be as sexy as me and seduce this babe-o-rama? Probably, but what the hell, vote for me anyway.

Wanna make 1 G?

February 26, 2007

OK, so here I go again.

The blog ad is getting to be much more profitable. When I first stated using the service that pays you to blog, the blogging opportunities where ranging from $6 up to $20 per post with and average of $8-$10. Still pretty good. I was able to easily make 430 or more for a half hours work every day.

I’ve been consistently doing this and it’s paid off and has made me blog more in the long run. It’s meant that YOU are getting more content here at chonksworld.

Well, it seems that lately the opportunities have been getting better and the the payments even larger. They now have several post for $100 or more and even one for $1000. Now granted the higher paying ones need you to have a blog with a higher Google pagerank, but hell, that’s enough incentive for me to keep blogging and pushing up my ranking. I could be there very soon.

PPP only charges the advertisers 35% versus other sites like ReviewMe that charge 100%. Hat means YOU get more money and the advertiser gets a better deal also. It just makes sense for
High traffic and lower traffic bloggers alike.

I gots mine! You better yours!

Matchstick Yuke

February 26, 2007

Man devotes life to making guitars out of 10,000 matchsticks in 400 Hours

Construction was completed in four hundred hours…working five hours per day. Matchsticks for the curved portions of the ukulele were pre-soaked and bent, and the glued-together sections were weighted into shape with the aid of flat-irons, fire bricks and pans of water.

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Electric Car Update

February 26, 2007

This is why major carmakers seem to be dragging their feet on batteries

Written by a blogger with 20+ years in the auto industry, this clever, descriptive post looks at the issues holding back sweet cars like the Tesla Roadster from being within everyone’s budget, and why it will still take many years for electric cars (like the Chevy Volt) to be a legitimate option for major auto manufacturers. Edumacate yourself.

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New PPP Promotion.

February 26, 2007

So this company that pays me for my – has got some new promotion coming up. Just so happens i have a little insider info on it.

It seems that the creators of the popular site have decided to sell the company to a small venture capitalist firm that resides on a small island in the pacific (the Isle Of Lucy). It’s been reported that the selling price is well above what YouTube went for and the PPP gang are all currently sunning themselves in jamaica drinking margaritas with no salt (I said No Salt – I’ll put strychnine in the guaccamole!)

The new company has decided to harness the excellant blogging abilitites of their newly purchased “Postie Patrol” to talk up their online animal husbandry and small engine repair website. They hope that their rise in search engine placings will bring forth new revenue fields and help them grow their other burgeoning business ventures: Beepers and Baby On Board static window stickers.

This is all currently under FTC approval and is suspected to become public within 30 days, so, you ddn’t hear it from me, but I’d be looking at uying-bay ome-say ock-stay oon-say – go ti?

I could be wrong though

So You Wanna Be A Rock And Roll Star?

February 26, 2007

Well then listen closely to what I say.


yeah, I know you won’t listen. I didn’t. But the music world is alot different than it was – some for the better (the internet) and most for the worst. I’ve talked before on the subject, and ranted about the state of the music biz before.

However, If your still not disuaded, here a a great site called the “Indie Band Survival Guide“. It’s written from the bands perspective and is quite dead on. A great resource and a must read for anyone in the “Biz”.


February 26, 2007



February 26, 2007


Sleep Apnia

February 20, 2007

Sleep Apnia is a sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep. These episodes, called apneas (literally, “without breath”), each last long enough so one or more breaths are missed, and occur repeatedly throughout sleep.

Apnea is a serious, potentially life-threatening condition that is far more common than generally understood. There are two types of sleep apnea: central and obstructive. Obstructive sleep apnea is far more common and occurs when air cannot flow into or out of the person’s nose or mouth although efforts to breathe continue.

Luckily there are several easy remedies.

The Salton Sea

February 20, 2007

The Salton Sea is an inland saline lake, located in the Colorado Desert in Southern California, north of the Imperial Valley. The lake covers a surface area of approximately 376 square miles making it the largest lake in California.

The creation of Salton Sea of today started in 1905, when heavy rainfall and snowmelt caused the Colorado River to swell and breach an Imperial Valley dike. It took nearly two years to control the Colorado River’s flow into the formerly dry Salton Sink and stop the flooding and the water instantly created a rival to Lake Tahoe, where Angelenos & San Diegans could go for sportsfishing & recreational waterboating, etc.

The place thrived, and by the 1950s was a booming resort with several surrounding cities. Unfortunately, the unnatural existence of the lake, with no real inflow & no real drainage eventually led to trouble – what water that does flow in from farm irrigation, etc, arrives with a reasonable measure of salinity & a reasonable measure of toxicity (pesticides, etc). What water that exits does so via evaporation, which takes the water, but none of the salt or poison. So every year, the water that remains gets saltier, and more toxic.

In the mid 1970s, things went south, and by the 1990s the whole area was largely abandoned. A series of fishkills had lined the beaches with tens of thousands of dead fish, even as the government restocked with hardier species like tilapia.

The future of the Salton Sea is unclear, as intervention is required to manage the increasingly unstable system. Such intervention would require massive policy and financial commitments from the state and federal governments.

Meanwhile, the entire area has become predominantly known for being a haven for societal outcasts, methamphetamine makers & users, and the very poor. Along with some crazy sites and groups, including Salavation Mountain and the Cabazon Dinosaurs. When they say “There is somethng in the water” they mean it here.

Here is a great pictorial tour of the Salton Sea

Australia to Ban Sale of Incandescent Light Bulbs

February 20, 2007

The Australian government today announced they will be phasing in a ban on incandescent light bulbs, over the next three years. Householders replacing them with compact fluorescent bulbs are expected to save $30 per year, while Australia reduces its per annum CO2 emissions by up 4 million tonnes.

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Review My Blog

February 19, 2007

Many of you faithfull readers know that I participate in a program/website called It’s a site that pays me to blog about items or sites that I would probably blog about anyways.

You might also be the person who dosen’t want to “taint” their blogs with paid posts. Well, OK, I don’t agree but whatever.

Well PayPerPost now has a new program for those of you who don’t want to do the paid posting thing. It’s called Review My Post and it’s a small badge (scroll down and you’ll see em) that you put on your blog posts similar to a say “Digg This” and the program pays you every time someone signs up and reviews a post on your blog.

Boom. Simple. Done.

The other cool thing is that the person who signs up and reviews the post can ALSO make some cash too. And I’m not talking pennies but rather $7.50 per signup.

If you have a blog, and even if you only seldomly write, you should consider PayPerPost. It’s pretty painless and I have made a buttload of cash writing simple blog ads. It’s also helped boost my blog ratings and forced me to write more.

Allright, I’m done. I need to do this once every few months.

Mummy found watching TV

February 19, 2007

Vincenzo Ricardo, 70, of Long Island, was found dead and “mummified” in front of his TV. Apparently he had passed away more than a year ago. Ricardo should not be confused with Johannas Pope who was discovered in a similar situation almost a year ago exactly. From the Associated Press:

“You could see his face. He still had hair on his head,” Newsday quoted morgue assistant Jeff Bacchus as saying. The home’s low humidity had preserved the body. Officials could not explain why the electricity had not been turned off, considering Ricardo had not been heard from since December 2005.

Unsigned Bands Site

February 19, 2007

So this site has been around for a while. And you know my opinion of the music industry right? Well, say your in a New-Wave Band and actually WANT to try and get signed, this site allows you to set up an account ala myspace, and not only publish your music independently but also supposedly solicit it to label.

You can set up listening groups and also browse for unsigned artists to listen to and “Discover”. That latter part I think is great, and I think most bands should market themselves with these type of sites and NOT worry about career ending “Major Labels”.

M-Kay, soapbox is vacant.

If you turn off the water, you could help save the planet.

February 18, 2007

On average, your bathroom sink sends four gallons of water down the drain in a minute. If you’re following your dentist’s orders, and brushing your teeth for two minutes twice a day, and doing so with the water on, you’re sending sixteen gallons down the drain a day. That’s over a month’s worth of drinking water. Keep a glass next to your toothbrush and fill it up with a little water for rinsing, and you’ll end up using about 70 ounces of water in a week, rather than 14, 336.

Read more

‘Christian’ Pediatrician Turns Away Child Because of Parent’s Tatoos

February 17, 2007

So you can be self-righteous all you
’d like. It’s one of the freedoms that makes this country great. But to claim that you’re refusing to help someone because you follow the teachings of Jesus Christ is like saying that you’re going to volunteer at the Jewish community center because you follow the teachings of Hitler.

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February 12, 2007

Museum With The Really Long Name

February 12, 2007

…or so my kids refer to it by.

This weekend we went to Marvins Marvelous Mechanical Museum in farmington Michigan. The museum, or more appropriately  arcade, is conspicuously sandwiched in between store in a strip mall.

The museum is owned and operated by Marvin Yagoda, a 60-year old pharmacist, and claims it is a hobby that has gone out of control. Marvin has collect hundreds (and quite possibly thousands) of arcade games, sideshow posters, neon signs, sideshow artifacts and old vintage arcade machines and has them not only all on display, but working. The fare is usually 25 cents, but some are only a dime, nickel or even a penny.

Displays hang from every corner of the ceiling, posters adorn every inch of wall, and the overload of lights, bells and carnival-like attractions could set even the sanest into a stimuli induced seizure. There is even a snack counter and the ticket dispensing games like skee-ball.

One of the more disturbing coinop oddities on display is “Dr. BingenPurge”, which shows a quite realistic mannequin of an old man smiling at you behind a bucket of empty booze bottles. For 50 cents the doctor (and what he’s a doctor of I have no idea) rocks back and forth and then throws up his lunch which is obvious the contents of the booze bottles before him. Good family fun! There is also the animated diorama of the spanish inquisition feature tiny slaves being flogged and prodded with red hot pokers. Yet another has you putting your hand through a hole only to have The Great ChopAndOff guillotining your hand to spurting blood. Although slightly disturbing, none of the displays are more horrifying than a Saturday cartoon nowadays.

I also saw several machines “in the wings” in stages of repair which means that the fare is constantly changing making it an attraction to come back for. We had a blast. You can even have your birthday parties here.

Click here for more photos, or here for more information.

Grammy Round-Up

February 12, 2007

So first off – THE POLICE ROCKED!

Second, the Dixie Chicks scored a buttload of awards including album of the year. It was well deserved.

Everyone who won a grammy please step forward…..not so fast Toby!

So, if you’re keeping score:

Free Speech = 5
Thoughless Patriotic Redneck Conservative Hate Speak = 0

Police to Reunite tonight

February 11, 2007

Well, the rumors are true and tonight is the night that the police reunite to play at the Grammys. I hope they also do a tour! It’s their 30 year anniversary and they will open the show.

Read more here